Customer Service

We accept payment via PayPal, Visa, American Express, Discover and MasterCard
directly through this secure website (hosted by Yahoo). Your information is fully protected.
We will only ship to a confirmed address on record with PayPal or your Credit or
Debit Card issuing bank.
If you require us to ship to an address other than the billing address on record with the bank,
you may be able to add an alternate shipping address to your account by contacting your
bank by phone.
Most banks and credit card companies will gladly add an alternate ship to address to your
record which will allow us to accept payment and ship to an address that is more convenient
for you such as your work address.
We will also accept payment via Postal Money Order in US dollars,
issued by the United States Postal Service.
State Sales Tax:.
We are located in Southern California, USA.
All orders shipped outside California are exempt from paying Sales Tax.
Orders shipped to any address within the state of California will be charged 8.00% sales tax.
Additional shipping & handling charges will apply to all destinations outside the continental
United States including those to APO/FPO military addresses, US possessions, Alaska, Hawaii,
Puerto Rico etc.and to all international addresses as well. We will need to know your postal code
to quote you shipping charges.
All deliveries will require direct or indirect signature - no exceptions.
Customers will be emailed directly from FedEx with tracking numbers after item (s) is shipped out.
Wheel & Tire Fitment Guarantee:
Our online catalog includes partial lists of vehicle applications and we guarantee proper
fitment on the vehicles shown in such lists (stock vehicles that have not been modified in regards
to body panels, wheel studs, suspension and brake components).
Buyers are welcome to inquire about suitability of our products for installation on modified vehicles
or vehicles not mentioned in our listings.
We will make every effort to recommend proper wheel/tires/lugs or bolts for your custom application.
We may or may not guarantee a custom application. (Please email us prior to ordering).
Our guaranteed fitment policy will provide full and free replacement of wheels/tires (fitment wise)
if improperly selected/shipped by us (provided that the parts to be replaced are in perfect, original,
brand new and saleable condition, in its original packaging (wheels sold without tires cannot have
had tires mounted on them and wheels sold by us with tires mounted on them cannot have had
been driven on and tires must still have the manufacturer's labels on them).
All products we sell are warranted by their respective manufacturers, typically one year on the
finish and lifetime structural for wheels (unless noted otherwise in the item page) and limited
manufacturers warranty for tires.
Warranty claims exclude all freight costs and coverage is limited to product repair, replacement
or store credit. If you have any questions regarding the warranty please contact us.
Custom Wheels Market is a division of Top Products International, Inc.
(Established since 1990 in Southern California) and we are proud members of the
Better Business Bureau, striving for full customer satisfaction.
Click here to see our instant BBB report